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Please select which event you attended *

If the event you attended is not listed here, please the name of it into 'Other'.

Please select the date that you attended the activity or event.

Would you say the event is what you expected? *

Prior to, during and after the event, how you were feeling in each instance? *
Upset/Angry Anxious/Worried Relaxed/Calm Happy/Positive
Before the event
During the event
After the event

Before the event

During the event

After the event

Do you think you would come to a similar event in the future? *

How likely would be to suggest the event to a friend, partner or family member? *

Please enter your email address if you would like hear more about the Rainbow Heartlands programme

Your email will only be used for the described purposes - you can withdraw your details at any stage by contacting us on
Details will be retained for a period of 180 days from the date of submission.

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